Invitation for Reviewers and Editorial Board Member is solicited hereby : Language: You do not need to correct the English, however, if a paper is difficult to understand due to grammatical errors, please mention this in your report.does the author engage with current/ relevant research in the field). Engagement with previous research and results (e.g.Structure: Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Conclusion.Originality and quality: Is the paper of sufficient interest for publication in the journal? Does it contribute significantly to the current state of the research field? Is the topic handled substantively and accurately in appropriate detail and scope?.When reviewing a paper, you should take into consideration the following: If you have reasons to believe that the material is not original or has been plagiarised, please alert the handling editor or the editorial office.
Your comments should be professional and courteous and should help the author to improve their paper and present their research as clearly and concisely as possible. You should not allow your personal prejudice about research topics or researchers to influence your judgment. Reviewers are encouraged to remain objective in their assessment. – people whose research you fund or who fund you Conflict of interest:As a reviewer, your task is to critically and constructively judge the content of a manuscript.Suggestions for alternative reviewers are always welcome. The editorial offices should be informed on time where the reviewer is unable to review the article. We usually ask our reviewers to submit their comments within two weeks of agreeing to review a paper.Reviewer names are usually anonymous to author(s) and author(s) names are usually not given to reviewers. Reviewers for Benchmark Journals are selected by the journal editors on the basis of their knowledge and experience of the research area. It ensures that published research is sound and properly verified and improves the quality of the research. Peer review is a critical element of scholarly publications and quite essential for the scientific process. Benchmark Journal is a peer reviewed journal.